You need to earn money while studying at university? Staff Eins is your relieable partner for funding your studies. Our young team is almost exclusively made up of students. We understand your wishes and support you in making your job as pleasant as possible. We strife to create a great working environment. Our supervisors are on par with each employee and can be contacted at any time during the day. We avoid hierarchies as much as possible and make work fun for everybody. Our clients are always excited to work with our highly motivated staff.
Staff Eins supports you by making your work planable on a long-term basis. At the same time you remain independent to make your work compatible with your studies. Your work with us can easily be integrated into your daily schedule. You are free to plan your time individually – we do not have a rigid shift system or fixed working schedules. You get to choose the time and place you work at.
We pay you fair and above average. Our employees are valuable to us and we say thank you on a regular basis by hosting parties and incentives to strengthen the team spirit. We value you personally as a human being and are always open to listen to your concerns.